Which woman are you today?

What woman will you be tomorrow? In 5, 10, 20, 40 years...?

Because we all have several styles within us, several moments of life and because fashion allows us to express these phases, these desires, Bonâme offers lines inspired by women with multiple personalities.

Choose your current look based on who you are, how you feel right now.

And mix, play, dare, try several styles.

male Female

The GEORGE style

Blurring the lines by sometimes being romantic, urban or androgynous.

Carry out a cause, write or seduce.

Host a podcast and meet authors. Love the countryside but also vibrate with the city and its tumult.

To be all these women at once.

This is the George Sand spirit in 2022.

Ref. iconographic: George Sand by Auguste Charpentier around 1838, Musée de la Vie Romantique, Paris

refined and precise

the Colette spirit

We speak of Colette as a carnal writer, with a chiseled style. Totally free and independent, in fusion with nature and the elements.

Colette today is a woman who writes short stories, micro-blogging following her inspirations, having fun going against the tide of fashion just for fun, abandoning trends and diktats. To just live her life and her creative desires as she sees fit.

She is the one who decides, but always with humor and detachment.

Ref. iconographic: Colette in her Parisian apartment, circa 1900

Colette style

The Cléo look

Cléo is a seductress, captivating, ultra-feminine and always a little mysterious.

She is the descendant of Cléo de Mérode, icon of the Belle Epoque, dancer and actress photographed so many times who jealously protected her private life while knowing how to play with her image brilliantly.

Ref. iconographic: Cléo de Mérode by Reutlinger, 1902


The Juliette silhouette

Juliette is indolence and intelligence. Fluidity and grace.

She likes to read, dance, remake the world. Beneath her appearance as a quiet woman, she hides great inner strength and unfailing determination.

She likes soft and flowing materials. And walk around in a long dress, wear jackets that do not restrict the waist and allow the body full freedom of movement.

The empire silhouette and the lovely empire wardrobe have been brought up to date by the series "The Bridgerton Chronicles" which show all the variations of color and fabric with which we can have fun around this waist line high and small balloon sleeves.

Ref. Portrait of Juliette Récamier by François Gérard, Musée Carnavalet, Paris
